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Mold (Fungi) - Viable, Non-viable, DNA 

QLAB Provides Your Clients With the Most Comprehensive Mold Analyses in The Industry

To help you perform complete mold assessments, we provide comprehensive and many proprietary quick-TAT microbiological services for samples collected in the indoor environment.

(1) Microscopic Examinations (non-viable plus viable mold spores/biomass) 
Air samples - Mycologix Spore Differentiation
Tape samples - Mycologix Surface Condition 1/2/3 Classification
Swab/bulk samples - Miycologix AccuPRECISE Quantitation

(2) Culture Methods (viable and culturable mold spores/biomass)
Mycologix Culture Media
RD-MEA: Rapid-Detection Malt Extract Agar
HR-MEA: High-Recovery Malt Extract Agar
Xero-MEA: Xerophilic Malt Extract Agar
RD-PDA: Rapid-Detection Potato Dextrose Agar
Stachybotrys (SCUM) Agar
Mycologix Culture Methods
SpreaderISO: Isolating culture plate spreaders (Rhizopus, Mucor, Trichoderma, etc.)
SpreaderJAIL: Confining culture plate spreaders (Rhizopus, Mucor, Trichoderma, etc.)

(3) Surface Settled Dust Analysis
Environmental Mold Origins Ratio - Viable Spores (EMOR) - for Screening Only
Culture-based Method
Viable (culturable) mold/fungi counts of hundreds of common mold/fungi species in settled dust
Relevant Environmental Mold Profile - Viable Spores (REMP-Viable)
Culture-based Method
Viable (culturable) mold/fungi counts of hundreds of common mold/fungi species in settled dust

Relevant Environmental Mold Profile - Intracellular DNA (REMP-iDNA)
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) Method

Metagenomics of hundreds fungal species (ITS DNA sequenced) in settled dust
Environmental Relative Moldiness Index (ERMI) 
for Research Only
PCR method
DNA index from ERMI-panel 36 mold/fungi species PCR in household dust
Microbiologial Analysis
Research & Development
Expert Consultation
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